Haunted Week: Bats in Your Book Pages & Skeletons on My Bookshelf

{This Girl Reads}

There are a couple of things that drive me crazy or irritate me about books:

5) Overuse of the "Bad Boy" Image
I admit that I don't mind bad boys in books. Their mysterious, their hot. What's not to like? But in EVERY book!? There are way too many bad boys in YA. Not only that but some bad boys stay that way. They stay mean and the girls including the main character flocks to them. We need more good guys and for girls to actually pick the good guys.

4) Whiny Female Characters
It's no secret that I tend to like guys better in books even if they are "bad boys" because at least they don't whine and complain about their life. At least they don't yell at a guy for not being there when you know what type of person they are. Just stop it. I know I complain about things but in my head and not only that I don't complain about things constantly. I also don't pine over guys like these whiny girls. Get some self-esteem girls. You don't need a guy to be with you.

3) Rushed Endings
Why oh why is it that when I'm reading a great book that authors just decide to rush the ending? Maybe you are tired of writing. Maybe this story has gone long enough for you. Maybe you want to get writing on a different book. I don't know. All I know is that you ruin your books that you took months to create just because you didn't take the time to make sure the ending was just right. Take a walk. Take a break. Anything to not rush your endings!

2) Unwanted Sexual Images
Teenagers have sex. I get that. You may write about it but do you have to go in such great detail!? I don't want to know! I don't need to know about... *shudders* I don't need to know how it works. It's called basic knowledge. You just scar my mind when you do that. Why would I want to know the details of a how a character I've grown to like and bond with ways of having sex? No. Just no.

1) Instalove
Oh how I loathe you Instalove. This goes back to bad boys and whiny girls. Bad boys because they always attract whiny girls who can't wait to fall in love or what they deem love which must equal having sex. Almost everything I don't like about books connects with each other. Instantly falling in love or really crushing on a guy is another thing I can understand but before you throw yourself at that said guy get to know him first. I don't know how these girls could be so angry at a guy that they "love" after a couple of days of going out when they act like guys or that you aren't the center of their world. People in general can be not what you think. Be friends then at least 150 pages later you can go out on a date.

{This Girl Reads}

I actually really want to read some books on my bookshelf that I've had for at least two years plus (it's way more years than that). I need to take the time and read them as well as their predecessors. Here they are:

5) Fall of A Kingdom by Hilari Bell. Got this book on a whim years and years ago. The paperback looks like it's in perfect condition. I think I may have opened it once at the store to see what it's about. I still want to read it. I actually plan on reading all of the books that I haven't read in my book collection in January to celebrate the New Year. All I got it that it's about a kingdom most likely in some trouble with a journey/dangerous adventure (I guess).
4) The Angels' Command by Brian Jacques. From the famous author of Redwall comes this book. I read when I was in elementary some Red Wall books so I saw this and got it. I didn't come back to it for some years and when I was looking it up one day or something like that I realized it was a second book in a trilogy. So there goes that. I hope to find and read the first book so I can read this one finally.
3) The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner. I've had The Thief and this book since before it got famous on the web not to brag (I'm bragging). I completely forgot how the first book went. Well maybe not completely but I remember a waterfall and a room... Anyways as you can see from this old cover I've had the second book in the series for quite some time. I saw on Goodreads that it was published in 2001 or something like that so you can imagine. I want to get to read The Thief then this book again to see what all the hubbub is. I remember thinking that The Thief was alright so we'll just have to see.
2) By the Monkey's Tail by Kerrie O'Connor. I have and have read the first book in this trilogy - Through the Tiger's Eye. It was actually quite good. Something about a secret passage to another world and cages. The second book looks like it's in pristine condition which tells you how much I tried to read it. I do want to read this book and the first to remind myself. I expect great things. 
1) The Underwood See by Michael Lawrence. This is the third and last book in the Withern Rise Trilogy. It's about having two sides of your life. There's a 50/50 chance of survival for these two people, a girl and a boy's, parent. One survives and the other lives. It's basically like they live in different dimensions. I thoroughly enjoyed the series which got really dark in the second book. It actually freaked me out so maybe that's why I haven't finished this trilogy. I remember the guy's name being Alaric and I thought that was weird which is funny because of Alaric being a character in Vampire Diaries. It was a really different and interesting world and I want to read the first two again so I can finally see what happens at the end of this trilogy. I don't think it's going to end well for the main characters.


  1. I LOVE your "Bats in Your Book Pages" list!! Bad boys are totally overdone no matter how hot they are. Whiny girls drive me crazy, I actually have a review coming up and that is one of the things I talk about, because the girl drove me insane! Both insta-love and unwanted sexual images were on my list as well. Great post! =)

    1. Thanks! Whenever I read a book with a whiny girl I feel like my IQ is dropping it's so horrible...

  2. I think that my "Bats" are very similar to yours. I am really tired of insta-love, bad-boys, and whiny yet kick your butt (literally) kind of girls.


    1. Whiny girls who can kick your butt? I'm guessing you mean girls who are fighters but they complain a lot about their life which defeats the whole purpose of being awesome.

  3. Oh #4 and #1 I so agree! I sometimes want to throw the book when I see instalove or annoying-girl-crying-all-the-time (that's how I call them). There is a limit between being whiny and sensitive. For the books I've never read any of them :)

    1. Ew. Those girls are beyond sensitive. There's a point that you need to act your age.

  4. I so completely agree with your list. Especially whiny girls and insta love. It's annoying. There can be attraction at first time but love takes time. Sometimes the girl doesn't even properly talk to the boy.

    1. There have been some books where it's just i like you and then they are kissing all the time. THAT'S their relationship.

  5. I think your list is excellent! I don't like the same things. I like strong female characters- so I can't stand whining. I haven't read any of the books that you mentioned from your shelf to read- though they do sound interesting.

    1. For you I would recommend Through the Tiger's Eye by Kerrie O'Connor. I think you would enjoy it (:


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