Crazy for Summer Readathon Introduction

First of all, it's father's day and for all of you are celebrating I hope you have a lovely day. I've been waiting for the Crazy for Summer Readathon for what seems like forever because there hasn't been any real notice of readathon's during summer until this one. Summer classes are over and I'm a free woman which means all my time will be devoted to reading and reviewing. So without further notice let's get started introducing myself:

Two Truths and a Lie

1) I read books while I take notes in class.
2) I read books while I watch TV.
3) I read books while I ride in a car.

Which is the lie?

Daily Challenge: Getting to Know Me!

What is your favorite thing about reading?

Being able to experience a characters life. I love being able to see lives from different perspectives and sympathize with what they are going through. I love to see my favorite characters grow and find happiness. I also love being shocked and worrying over them. It' kind of amazing being able to feel all these emotions for a character who isn't even real - to be moved by them.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Mostly it's the interaction I get on here with other bloggers who love to read. I also love interacting with them on their blogs because they have such unique ways of thinking and are incredibly creative.

What is your favorite thing about Summer?

My favorite thing has to be that I get a break from everything. I love the warm summer air, but iI wouldn't be able to enjoy it if I was stressed out from school.

If you could take a summer vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I don't really know many places out in the big wide world excellent for a summer vacation other than Hawaii. I would love to hike, bike, swim, soak in the sun, and maybe even learn how to surf. Beaches everywhere is my idea of a perfect summer getaway.

What is your favorite book of the year so far?

Made of Stars by Kelley York has the cutest romance ever. Kelley York seriously knows how to write.

Coke or Pepsi?

Neither... If I was dying then Pepsi.

Fantasy or Sci-Fi?

Umm...... Fantasy? I read a ton of fantasy and sci-fi books so this ones hard, but magic always wins.

Hardcover or Paperbacks?

Hardcovers are too pretty to not pick.

Chocolate or Vanilla?


What is your favorite TV show at the moment?

I binge watched Sense8 on Netflix when it came out and nothing has drawn me in like it did for a while now. I'm sure Teen Wolf will change that. Oh and did you all know that they are making a Series of Unfortunate Events show on Netflix in 2016? Got to love Netflix.


I'm giving myself the goal of ten books because I'm crazy like that.

I want to be able to review all the books I complete plus once again catch up on my reviews.

The achievements I'm going for are:

  • TBR Tackler: Read 5 books from your to be read list.
  • Summer Sensation: Read a book that is set in Summer (Bonus if it set at the beach!)
  • Genre Guru: Read books from 3 or more different genres
  • Rapid Reader: Read 400 pages in one day
  • Library Lover: Read a book you got from the library

You can still sign-up! Good luck everyone.


  1. Wow, you've picked out a ton of books! I'm sure you'll do great. I really enjoyed Heist Society and Blue Lily, Lily Blue.
    I would really love to go to Hawaii someday, just everything about it appeals to me, especially the beaches :)
    I hope you have a great week full of fun and reading. Lots of reading. Good luck!

    Max @ Crazy for YA

    1. yes, I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew. So excited to read both of those especially Blue Lily, Lily Blue since Blue is my girl :D
      I've always loved going to the beach in Summer. I will always want to do that every Summer.
      Thanks, Max! Have fun reading (:

  2. Oops, I just realized that I totally forgot to guess your lie! I'm going to go with #1, just because it's the only one I know I'd never in a million years be able to do.

    Max @ Crazy for YA

  3. The Summer I Turned Pretty is SO quick! You'll get through it in like an hour or two! Great TBR and Good Luck!

    1. Oh good! Every other book I chose seems like it'll take me forever :P

  4. It looks like you are going to have a busy week! It is very impressive that you are going to try to finish almost all of the achievements. Good luck!
    The Summer I Turned Pretty is also on my list to read this week. It sounds like the perfect cute, summery read (I mean, summer is in the title). I want to read this on before I read To All The Boys I've Loved Before.
    You are extremely good at Two Truths and a Lie. They are all so similar that I cannot figure out which one is a lie! So, I am guess going to take an uneducated guess. I think #3 is the lie.
    I cannot wait to see the rest of your posts throughout the week!
    Tessa @ Crazy for YA

    1. Almost all? I thought I put all of them there actually. I'll have to check if I did later.
      I know! I hope you enjoy it and so do I.
      Loved To All the Boys I've Loved Before. I can't wait to read the sequel. You don't even understand my astonishment when I found there was one. It made me delirious when I first found out.
      Haha! That was the plan. I couldn't figure out what to say before so I think I hid my lie pretty well hopefully.
      Thanks! Good luck tessa :D

  5. Sese8 it is! I will be watching that next.

    1. Yay! It's a little adult but so good! It's brilliant really.

  6. Good luck with the readathon. I've only ever done one, because they tend to fall when I don't have time. I am trying to read/review a lot this summer though while I have a bit more free time. I tend to get a lot of reading finished, but I go from one book to another, so I need to sit down and review things better. haha


    1. Aw so unlucky! I'm the same with reading and then forgetting to review. I'm pretty behind again. I'll have to take some time as well to do the same. Hopefully, you'll have time to join in a readathon this summer if you can. I'm sure there will be more because here always is in summer.

  7. Great post!! I loved the answers to your questions!! :P You have a lot of books on your TBR too, I wish you the very best in getting them read :) I have been wanting to read I Was Here for a while now but haven't picked it up yet so I can't wait to hear what you thought of that one :)

    For your lie I'm guessing number 1 because that would be very very hard to do :P

    1. Thanks Sarah! I'll let you know what I thought of I Was Here on a future post.

      We will see...


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